VisionLINK – More Than a TV App


VisionHOUSE Systems Integrator is proud to introduce VisionLINK – its own brand new development for media businesses.

VisionLINK is an application for mobile devices that offers rich functionalities to involve viewers of TV channels as well as consumers of mobile and online video content.

VisionLINK empowers channel audience growth, extends space for creativity and communication with viewers, opens new opportunities to increase advertising revenues.

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VisionLINK offers a unique integration with real-time on-air graphics: all registered users of the program can easily join in the comments that are visible on air, vote and view voting results in real time, contact the editorial staff and act as experts, find out additional information about the channel’s programs, movies and news, receive push notifications, and use the searchable content library. The VisionLINK system integrates with the leading TV graphics solutions Ross Video Xpression, VizRT and Avid Maestro.

When you download the VisionLINK app, a live TV channel starts. Registering via Facebook allows you to immediately express your point of view and immediately see it graphically displayed on the TV screen. Questions and answer options for voting appear on top of the stream.

The multi-camera viewer functionality also attracts viewers to active use: you can switch the view between cameras in the studio, choose the angle of viewing sports events at the stadium, shows, concerts, etc.

The first customer to implement VisionLINK technology was Pryamyy TV channel: 6674 users installed the app in the three weeks since its launch, and 2689 users are actively participating in voting.

VisionLINK collects detailed analytics and opens up new opportunities for advertising with customized settings and precise targeting. Advertisements appear when the app is downloaded, during the broadcast (both in sync with the current ad and separately from it), you can connect banners with and without links, graphics, animations, offer download coupons, make online orders, book tickets, etc.

For more information about the product and the implementation of individual features of the media company, please contact Vitaly Zaikin, VisionLINK product manager.